Friday, May 20, 2011

A Day in the Alps

 A few weeks ago, a few German friends and I decided to go hiking in the Alps for a day. We got up early, drove out to the mountains and began the trek to the first Alm (a mountain hut that serves Bavarian food and beverages) but were dissapointed to see that they were closed for the week. Instead we hiked on to the second Alm, pictured above (which hadn't yet opened for the year). Still, the view from the Tegernseer Huette was absolutely beautiful, and the the fact that it wasn't open just meant that we had the mountain almost to ourselves.
The path up the steepest I've ever hiked. We ignored the signs the read "Dangerous Path" and continued up the cliffs, holding on to steel cables wherever there the a chance. Surprisingly we made it up to the Rossstein Gipfel, the very peak of the mountain where we had a chance to sign the Gipfelbuch, a type of Summit book that most people sign after reaching the top of the mountain. The weather was beautiful, the view was incredible, and it was well worth the nine hours of hiking. I can't wait to return when the Almen are open!
On a different note, the reason it's been so long between posts is that every time I try to upload pictures, they either appear with an x in the place of the photo, or they're distorted beyond recognition. I have to delete the selections and re-upload each photo individually, which is so time consuming! Does anyone know how to fix this?


  1. so pretty and scary at the same time! love the post...

  2. thanks sophia! i lived in germany from 1993-1999 before i moved to the us. leichlingen is a little town in west germany, close to collogne. i went back in 2008 and am planning a trip next year. germany is very close to my heart and when i look at your pics it kinda takes me back. hope you're enjoying it as much as i did :)

  3. Your photos are simply fantastic - what type of camera did you use?

  4. Thank you! I used a Nikon D70 and a 18-50mm lens and a 50mm 1.8.
